Pascale Benoliel
Diversity Equity & Inclusion
I serve as the Chair of the diversity, equity and inclusion committee of the faculty of Education of Bar-Ilan University. My committee is dedicated to establishing a secure learning environment free from harassment and discrimination based on the community, ethnicity, religion, of its students and teachers in order to ensure their academic, psychological, and social success. Our mission is to develop a welcoming, equitable, and inclusive learning and working environment that values diversity and advances social justice. The committee envisions a faculty where every individual, regardless of their background, identity, or experiences, feels valued, represented, and empowered to thrive both academically and professionally.
In Israeli society, Diversity, refers to a wide range of groups, particularly those that are currently underrepresented in terms of quantity, quality, presence, and impact in universities. Among the groups underrepresented in the institution are: Arabs, First generation students, Ultra-Orthodox, new immigrants, native Ethiopians, low SES Students, women as well in certain disciplines. Supporting social integration in the face of diverse cultural and racial disparities is a challenge for democratic countries all over the world.
The ability to access and flourish in higher education has, however, historically been hampered for students from cultural, linguistic, ethnical, and religious minority backgrounds. Building on widespread calls for social justice in higher education, there has been an increasing focus on the need to promote and facilitate greater participation of marginalized groups higher education. As a consequence, considerable national and institutional policies and programs have been created to reach this aim. While there has been some improvement in participation rates, gaps are persistent (Reay, 2018; Sutton Trust, 2018).
"Multiculturalism, Diversity and Inclusion: Widening Access and Participation in Education Systems"​
An international conference on was held on May 15, 2023, at the Faculty of Education, Bar Ilan University.
I serve as the Chair of the conference
The purpose of the conference was to deepen the understanding regarding research-based interventions that were successful in improving diversity and inclusion in higher education institutions as well as developing a knowledge-based network for implementing innovative policies and practices to deal with the challenges of multiculturalism.
international conference

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