Pascale Benoliel
Ph.D. Students:
Missa Nasser - Current
The relationship between participative decision-making and paternalistic leadership and school effectiveness: A moderated-mediation model involving teachers’ organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior and a school sector, Arab vs Jewish.
Erez Zavelevsky - Current
Exploring the antecedents of teacher retention from an ecological perspective
**Winner, University's President Scholarship Award
Co-supervisor: Prof. Shapira - Lishchinsky
Nechama Nadav - Current
Principals' systems thinking as a mediator in the relationships between principal and school characteristics and team and school effectiveness
Co-supervisor: Prof. Chen Schechter
Ronit Adam - Current
The teacher as a political leader and its impact upon the interaction between parents and teachers
Co-supervisor: Prof. Haim Gaziel
Ayala Zaduk - Current
The antecedents and consequences of middle-leaders' transformational and transactional leadership styles on school effectiveness
Co-supervisor: Prof. Chen Schechter
Orit Shamir - Current
The development and characteristics of Professional Community Learning from their success in elementary schools
Co-supervisor: Prof. Chen Schechter
Gaelle Ferreres - Current
A cross-national examination of the effect of the cultural, financial and human resources on PISA Performance Assessments
Co-supervisor: Prof. Chen Schechter
M.A. Students:
Missa Nasser - 2020
A comparative perspective for understanding the implications of participative leadership and paternalistic leadership on school effectiveness and teachers behaviors in the Arab Sector and in the Jewish Sector.
Ayala Zaduk - 2019
Transformational leadership of school middle-leaders: Antecedents and consequences for teachers’ professional and organizational commitment
Oren Abergel - 2019
Mid-level managers as boundary managers and team innovation: The impact of functional heterogeneity and personality traits from the Big Five typology
Nechama Nadav - 2018
Developing and validating a systems-thinking scale for elementary school principals
Co-supervisor: Prof. Chen Schechter
Esther Amir - Current
Participative management as a moderator in the relationship between perception of parental involvement among teachers and the outcomes of teachers’ job satisfaction, teachers’ absenteeism and teachers’ strain.